11 November 2008

brief update

so, i know i haven't updated in a while, but i wanted to make a couple of shout outs to my other friends in the blogging world and direct you to their little tiny corners of the intranets.


-this is the blog of my former housemates. it is deliciously fabulous.
-this is the blog of my former housemate, mallory, who is a wonderful artist! check out the other links on her blog where you can purchase her art.
-blog of a friend and academic movie critic
-blog of a dear dear friend, ashley. it's for a class, but she says some REALLY amazing things about art and the creative process

so there you go! enjoy. indulge. comment. love. peace. santa claus. what?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, you.

Mallory said...

Thanks for the shout out babe, have a great Thanksgiving!